“It all started in my grandpa’s garden, where myriads of the thin branched trees where almost kissing the ground under the weight of the bright red fruits..”

Immerse yourself in the mystical world of the Pomegranate City. Experience the visual storytelling created by Sydney based multidisciplinary artist illustrator Pomegranate City.

"Dreams of the Pomegranate City" - is a series of paintings created as a synthesis of childhood memories, legends, traditions and turned into a poetic, mystical world. The Mystical World where the rain can fall right out of pomegranate fruit, where the snow can happen any season, where there is a city somewhere high up in the sky, where the pilgrimage is an endless journey and where the sky can easily have three moons, when one suddenly feels sad.

About the Creative Process.

I was extremely surprised when the “Pomegranate City” emerged, especially the way you see it today. Every time I thought "Pomegranate City" is completed, it  would reveal more and more of itself to me:so first there was “A Harvest Night, then “Pomegranate Childhood“, then they took me on pilgrimage to the “Desert Tales” where an timeless winds shuffled an ancient sand, and now I found myself in the Gothic forest , covered with white creeping fog, smell of the autumn leafs and a hoopoe birds songs…

Tea Technique

Technique – many of the canvases are naturally dyed in the extract of tea and dry leaves, therefore each canvas has a unique pattern of drips and fading look, lightness, and darkness intensity of color, all these natural elements often dictate a story to create.